Our Preschool provides a half day program for children ages 3 to 5.

We follow a Christian-based curriculum and our purpose as a preschool is to provide an enjoyable and caring Christian atmosphere where children can grow and develop socially, physically, cognitively, and spiritually.

We are dedicated to providing an enriching and stimulating developmental and early academic learning environment.


5 Day Program
Monday-Friday 8:45 am to 11:45 am

5 Day Program
Monday-Friday 12:45 pm to 3:45 pm

3 Day Program
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:45 am to 11:45 am

2 Day Program
Tuesday, Thursday 8:45 am to 11:45 am


For questions or more information contact

Kristen Fitterer, Preschool Director

740-927-7729 | preschool@vineyard05.com


Commonly Asked Questions

When can I pick up applications?

You may apply anytime for the current school year or next year.  You will need to complete and return the part time preschool registration form along with the $75 registration fee to reserve a space (checks can be payable to Vineyard Community Church). Spaces are filled first come, first serve basis.

How do I schedule a tour of the center?

You can contact Kristen Fitterer to schedule a tour.

Toilet Training?

All children at Vineyard Community Preschool must be toilet trained. No diapers or pull-ups are allowed. Each child needs to have independent bathroom skills. Our teachers are only allowed to assist through verbal instructions. Sometimes accidents do happen, so please keep a change of clothes in your child’s bag. If toileting accidents occur, we will let you know.

Is there a sibling discount?

Siblings receive a 10% reduction in their tuition.

Do you accept Title XX?

We do not.

Do you have a waiting list for your center, and if so, how do I get onto the waiting list?

In the event that we have a wait list and you would like to place your child on the wait list, we will need a completed application along with a $75 registration fee.

What type of curriculum do you use?

We use My Father’s World, which is a Christian-based curriculum.  Our teachers will teach thematically, with developmental appropriateness and exposure of children to a variety of creative curriculum ideas.  We align our curriculum to the state standards.